Monday, August 27, 2007

Trial by Fire

Hello good readers! Glad to have you here at the Update. To the right is a complimentary Goblet of Fire pic for your enjoyment. If you haven't guessed already, I am still in the midst of reading this book in the HP series.

Again today, I seem at a loss for words. Clare and I took an impromptu trip over the weekend to the Winston-Salem, NC area to check it out and see what's what. It was generally very relaxing and we stayed at a very comfortable hotel.
I just stinks that the weekend had to end so quickly. Alas, next weekend is a 3-day weekend for those who have a nice work schedule. Will the Monday Update be off for Labor Day, too? I don't know. Even artists have to take a break.

As I write, I am currently at work, getting ready for the next season of updates and repairs to our facility at Holy Family, in what is hopefully an attempt to make it look less dumpy and more like a church.

And speaking of churches, over the weekend Clare and I attended Our Lady of Grace in Greensboro, NC for mass. It was wonderfully gothic and beautiful, with fanstatic stained glass, an old-school organ and beautiful high altar. I felt great to be in that space.

That's it for now. I am off to celebrate a Staff member's birthday. In the meantime, enjoy your day.


During lunch today, I had the oppoprtunity to talk at length with our parish's resident classical language scholar, Fr. Carrier. I asked him a host of questions regarding his latin study, classical and medieval latin texts and requisite dictionaries. Our discussion was highly enlighting for me, because he clarified a number of my questions regarding Latin's study and use. His father, in fact, is taking a Latin correspondance course with the bloody University of Cambridge, which I think is pretty cool.

In any event, I cannot adequately express how satisfying and refreshing it is to talk with someone who is conversant regarding Latin and its rewards and difficulties. I find myself again inspired to plunge back into the Latin texts.

Well, after Harry Potter, of course.



Ben Hatke said...

I wonder if Harry passed Latin?

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha...

Good one.


Anonymous said...

Oh Latin. You come up again, and I am reminded of my 2 years of Latin hell in high school.
