She served me well.
I have finally parted with it, after my 3rd post. It was only a few miles short of 265k miles on the clock when I signed over the title. Can you believe that?! Wow. And I got $1600 for it, basically sight unseen. The buyer didn't even take a test drive. In a word, I got away easy.
Honestly, I think the car was about to explode. No, seriously. I have treated it well and took care of it, but with that many miles you simply never know what's going to happen next.
That said, I wish them the best. Me, I'm happy as a clam. I get to graduate to the Jeep Wrangler as my daily driver and look for a new vehicle for my lovely wife. And I no longer have the Mustang to worry about. It's crazy, but even though I was pretty confident in that car--more confident than most--it's a weight off of my shoulders. I guess subconsciously I was worried about it more than I realized.
I delivered the car just north of the District, driving through some of my olde haunts in the process. Even though I am happily bugged out to the country, I thoroughly enjoy the feeling of being in midst of D.C's non-K Street precincts. There's a pretty lively beat, even if you do have to roll up your windows. And while I took 2 buses and 2 trains to get to Vienna, the western most point on Metro orange line, I enjoyed the thrill of the adventure and the fact that I didn't have to drive to navigate through the city on my way back.
To be sure, I love country life, but it is a fitting swan song for my car to have made its final race with me through D.C. Thank you, "Pariah." You've always beens good to me...except that one time before New Year's. But it was probably for the best anyway.
Over and Out,
Congratulations on the sale. Any idea what you will be looking for in a new vehicle?
Didn't you want a spectre gear belt? There's a guy selling one on my INGO forum for $25. If you want it let me know and I can contact him for you. His price includes shipping. I would get it but it's a bit too large for my undersized frame.
Hey Martin!
Thanks for the link on the Specter belt. I PM'd the guy, so hopefully he will get back to me. I love "Save-Your-Ass Last-Resort" stuff, in case you hadn't noticed already.
As for a vehicle, I'm looking for a 1997-2001 Cherokee 4x4, preferably in bright red, with less than 140k on it, for under $3500 as a starting price. I am actually hoping to pay 2k or less for one, which is doable, but it's just going to depend on the particular deal.
I've been looking at Cherokees for years, getting ready for the big day. Now that I actually have the cash to make the purchase, it kind of seems surreal.
Anyway, the main thing is that we have a reliable family vehicle that will last at least 4 years with minimal repairs, that's a 4x, can be trashed as only babies know how to trash, and give us the space we need to drive comfortably for a day trip or to IN.
Peace Out, brotha.
Do you have 15 posts on INGO? If not it will look like it let you PM him but he will never get it. One of the more annoying features of that forum.
Let me know if you want me to tell him to hold on to it for you.
Hey Martin,
That would be awesome actually. When I get home I will mosie on over, make my token 15 and send him a PM.
Peace Bro,
Too late, too late will be the cry when the man with the bargains has passed you by...
I'm sorry Nick. I contacted the guy and the belt had already been promised to someone else. I told him you were second in line if that fell through.
The end of an era!
Thanks Man. No problem. It's actually about the same to order the belt online, albeit a few bucks more with shipping. If you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't have known about the Specter brand and would have spent more elsewhere.
Thanks yo.
Yes, Jason, the end of an era! And so begins my Jeep era!
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