Monday, August 15, 2011

Cabinet Shop

The next major stage in my preparedness adventure, is to work from home, or relatively close to it.

My goal is to create my own cabinet shop--that is, Strong Oaks Woodshop, Buckton Division--out back for part to eventually full time action. I am scheming, yes, and quite honestly, I am not too far out from that goal in terms of having the space set up. Maybe not perfectly at first, but enough to spend more time out there and start banging together projects, such as tables and the like.

In my plans I am looking to switch out my jointer, radial arm saw, and Jet Table Saw, to fund purchases for what I really need: a planer, sliding bevel miter saw, and a more robust--stable and powerful--table saw.

My other ideas include an outfeed table for the table saw, a covered outdoor section in front of the building for activities like sanding simply working outside, and eventually an addition out back to the building.

Anyway, transitioning from working hella far out there to close to home is not easy and takes time, focus, and effort. I suppose if it were easy, everybody would do it, instead of just hopping in to commute wherever each day, picking up a Starbucks along the way to make the 1 hour plus drive more bearable.

This way, I don't have to worry about checking into a mental institution to feel better about myself, as I will shall be ever close to the high levels insanity at home.

Hopefully, that all works out.




Martin Schap said...

It takes courage to strike out on your own. Power to you.

Nick-dog said...

Thanks man. The closer I can work to home the more time I will have for what's important. Hopefully, that will be sooner rather than later.
